Based on the popular novel series of Hiroshi MORI and the recently released animated film by Sony Pictures comes a great tale of war. Using the motion controls of the Nintendo Wii, The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces by XSEED Games and Namco Bandai is a game that will fully use the motion controls that I’ve been so eager to test out.
Late last week, I had a chance to play the final build of the game and the first thing that came to mind was the Ace Combat Series. The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces is a game developed by the same company that brought us the Ace Combat series. I’m a big fan of the Ace Combat and playing this game brings back the excitement and tension from those games.
Let’s take a look on the main highlights from the first few missions of The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces:
What We’ve Seen
Anime Cut Scenes
To add drama and back up the story of The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces, an anime cut scenes will be shown every time you finish a mission. I never actually watched the anime of this series but I was easily amazed by the story this game has to offer. The scenes in this game are very appealing and it really does help build emotion and tension while playing the game.
Motion Controls
The game is fully motion controlled, and they very work well. To navigate your way through the sky, you t use the nunchuck to whichever way you’re going. Let me tell you this, it takes a lot of practice to properly navigate fly the planes, and I still have yet to get used to it.
Mission Based
The game is narrated via cut scenes and missions. Upon completing each mission in the story mode, it gets unlocked in the Free Mission Mode menu of the game. There are over 15 missions that can be unlocked and you will have an option to choose what difficulty that you can play through.
Customize your Plane
Since I haven’t spent much time with the game, I haven’t unlocked all of the parts that I can use on my plane. As the story progresses, you will gain upgrades and parts to use on your plane. These can be used to power up your planes strength, firepower, etc.
Our Thoughts
From what I have played so far, the only complaint that I have is the controls. I only spent an hour or two with the game and I am sure it takes some time to get used to with the controls. I can feel the Ace Combat series coming from this. Keep an eye out for our full review, coming soon.. The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces will be released on January 12, 2010 exclusively on the Nintendo Wii.