Gameplay mechanics are often mimicked and recycled in today’s games. We’ve seen games copy each others ideas and most of the time, it’s either a flop or a success. Borderlands is a game that recycles a lot of things from other titles such as Fallout 3, Call of Duty and Halo.
Borderlands follows the story of four treasure hunters, set in a wasteland called Pandora. Legends tell of a treasure that is somewhere in Pandora called the “Vault”. The Vault can grant infinite wealth and power once possessed. The hunters who are trying to find this treasure are called Vault Hunters and they are guided by a guardian angel.
Finding treasure is a good idea in Borderlands but can you find happiness and excitement with this game? Let’s take a look in the HOTs and NOTs of Gearbox’s Borderlands.
One of the things that I love about this game is the cell-shaded graphics. The environments are very detailed with vibrant colors and the character models are a pleasure to look at. The graphics are smooth and I never experienced any graphical issues or glitches. Borderlands has an old west feel to it, right down to the accents and clothing. This is not bad however because the voice-overs done in this game are phenomenal.

Challenges, Missions, etc
Borderlands is a first person shooter / role playing game so expect it to be lengthy. With the RPG elements implemented in this game, expect the level up process to be slow. A player levels up through killing the Skags, raiders, bandits, or doing missions in the Wasteland. Each of them has its own level and depending on how strong the weapon you have is, the easier it will be to kill them.
The currency used this game is US Dollars and money can only be acquired through the enemies you kill or selling the loot you get from them. Since you are a treasure hunter, looting will make your life as a hunter easier because with a lot of money, comes with more power. The vending machines that are available can be used to purchase ammo, upgrades, weapons, and a lot more. Throughout the game, the shop will have different kinds of goodies available.
Completing story missions will progress you through the game. Similar to past RPGs, you get missions by talking to people. In Borderlands, you can also get missions through the Bounty Board posted in each town. The missions listed have level requirements so you’ll have to maintain a certain level to continue story progression
Similar to FPS games, there are Challenges that you can unlock while playing. Challenges from killing enemies using a rifle 10 times can unlock an achievement or trophies. If you are perfectionist and want these challenges unlocked, this is a good feature. Just remember there are more than 30 challenges that you can unlock. The more you use the weapon, the stronger it will get.
Just like any other RPG games, raising the character attributes helps the overall performance of your character. As you level up you get skill points that you can use in the character’s skill tree. The skills that can be purchased vary from increasing the damage of each bullet to raising your health.
Whaaaat? I can’t die?
Dying is not an option here. When you get killed in the battlefield, you will have an option similar to Call of Duty’s Last Stand where you can kill an enemy while you’re down until the meter drops down. Kill an enemy while you’re down successfully and you will be granted a second chance to get up. If you fail, you will respawn at the place where you started.
The strongest feature in Borderlands is the multiplayer. Playing up to four people at the same time is a neat idea. Before you start the game, there are four characters that you can choose from. Each of them has a different class and weapons that they can choose. Whatever fits you best, pick it because if you have a friend, they can just jump in while you’re playing and help you. There is also a vehicle in both single player and multiplayer that is reminiscent to Halo’s Warthog.

Borderlands is designed for co-op because there are times in the game that it can get lonely. Let’s take driving the vehicle that needs two people as an example. This vehicle reminds me of Halo’s Warthog because one can be a driver while the other can use the turret. If you have a lot of friends, the multiplayer of Borderlands is a must!
Story is weak
Every RPG comes with a great story and plot but with Borderlands the story fails. I’m not saying that the game doesn’t have a story because it does, the problem is that it’s shallow because the game is more focused on the action rather than developing a story.
Not realistic
It takes more than the whole clip sometimes to take one enemy down. Depending on the level of the enemies you encounter it might take a lot of bullets to take them down. There is no one shot kill here unless the enemies you’re trying to kill are a really low level. Doing a headshot will be considered a critical hit instead of instant death. Don’t expect any realistic shooting here.
This is not a bad thing or will affect the score of the game. I just want to point out that Borderlands is a game where big titles such as Fallout 3, Call of Duty: World At War and Halo comes into play. Gearbox took all of the good stuff from these games and implemented them in Borderlands to create a blockbuster game. Play it and you will know what I mean.
Despite the fact that Borderlands has what I consider recycled elements, it doesn’t fail the expectations and hype surrounding it. Borderlands is a must have for any gamer who loves first person shooters and RPGs. Love Fallout 3? Call of Duty? What about Halo? If you say yes on all three, then you must get this. Borderlands might not win game of the year, but it is a great game that everyone cannot pass up.

October 18, 2009 at 5:04 PM“Play it and you will know what I mean.”
The point of a review is to tell readers what you mean. If you can’t express yourself adequately, then don’t waste your time.
Zachary Danaher
October 18, 2009 at 5:04 PMI just want to say a couple things about this reveiw. First, the only reason borderlands has a weak story is because the game is meant for multiplayer, and it is hard for a multiplayer based game to have an incredible story. Take world of warcraft. I know it is an mmo, but the point is to destroy the opposing factions. The point of borderlands is to find a fabled vault. Short, simple and yet 10 million people play world of warcraft. The last thing I want to mention is that you say it isn’t realistic because of how long it takes to kill an enemy. I don’t know if you know this, but the majority of enemies in borderlands have shields. It does take a good amount of fire to deplete the shield, but a couple of good bullets can quickly dispatch a shieldless enemy. I hope you can mabye reconsider your nots because I belive borderlands deserves a 5/5
Zachary Danaher
October 18, 2009 at 5:05 PMI just want to say a couple things about this review. First, the only reason borderlands has a weak story is because the game is meant for multiplayer, and it is hard for a multiplayer based game to have an incredible story. Take world of warcraft. I know it is an mmo, but the point is to destroy the opposing factions. The point of borderlands is to find a fabled vault. Short, simple and yet 10 million people play world of warcraft. The last thing I want to mention is that you say it isn’t realistic because of how long it takes to kill an enemy. I don’t know if you know this, but the majority of enemies in borderlands have shields. It does take a good amount of fire to deplete the shield, but a couple of good bullets can quickly dispatch a shieldless enemy. I hope you can mabye reconsider your nots because I belive borderlands deserves a 5/5
Peter B
October 18, 2009 at 5:50 PMBit hazy review, it just raised more questions ;)
Everyone is yelling how amazing the game is though so seems like a blind buy anyway.
October 18, 2009 at 6:09 PMThe graphics aren’t cel-shaded (also, you spelled it wrong). Get your facts straight. And your spelling.
Daniel B
October 18, 2009 at 6:40 PMJust a nag about some of your “Not”‘s, and this is to the whole enemies taking a lot of bullets to take down. Thats actually a GREAT thing, would you really one to sit through the game just one hitting things? without a challange or struggle anywhere? Also to say this game is recycling other games is a weak argument. The fact is that argument can be made for every FPS past DOOM, every RPG after D&D and so on, game elements are often repeated but what makes the game is not what it’s similar too, but the sounds, art style, setting, baddies, boss’, secrets, humour and anything else the game in question puts out there for you to experience.
I’m beginning to see how bad people are at reviewing games now. Not just this review, but plenty of others from official magazines to web sites, spouting on about what this game is like, or what it’s a clone of.
I’m in no position to review this game at all having not played it, however I’m quite sure from the amout of research I’ve done that this game really shouldn’t be associated with Fallout3, Halo or CoD.
matthew stone
October 18, 2009 at 6:59 PMGood review I cant wait to buy it! I think that ur “Nots” are all completly wrong and shouldnt even need to be mentioned but whatever thankz 4 review. But could someone please tell If there will b anyting bsides empty desert landscapes!? I really wana know
October 18, 2009 at 7:14 PMGood review but i was wondering with your comment…
“It takes more than the whole clip sometimes to take one enemy down”
I did notice this in some videos on the net, but i also did see videos of enemies dying Very quickly, some in even one shot. Of course im yet too play it i was just wondering, what sort of gear did you have? what was your highest level?
October 18, 2009 at 7:37 PMThis review didn’t help me very much at all.
I knew it was an RPG, and I know what an RPG is. I knew it was also a FPS, and I know what a FPS is. You don’t need to explain those things in reviews.
I’ve watched gameplay videos, so I know how much it takes to kill enemies, and I wouldn’t expect “realism” or one shot kills in this game anyway! It’s a fantasy world, and can’t you see that 1 shot kills would suck for this game?
To be frank, it sounds like you are 12 years old and have no idea what you are talking about.
At least I know not to bother with this site again.
October 18, 2009 at 9:54 PMIf this game is considered recycled just because of drawn elements from other games then wouldn’t that make a game Call of Duty: World at War recycled since it was essentially Call of Duty 4 with a WWII skin? Check your nots man and do some research.
Jon Christopher
October 18, 2009 at 10:05 PMSince the recycled category doesn’t fit on the NOT section, I’ve created a FYI (For Your Information) section.
Borderlands Watcher
October 18, 2009 at 10:25 PMThanks for the review, I thought you came across fairly honestly.
You’re always going to get negative comments from people, when their perception is that you’re trashing their game with a review which might have a few negative points. But I like to hear the negative things people have to say about a game, especially one I have yet to play!
Truth be told I think you were struggling to find many negatives, as the ones you have pointed out seem to be pretty minor really and not necessarily negative when you consider the direction the developers wanted to take the game.
All in all a fairly informative review. Don’t let a few negative comments discourage you from writing, I certainly haven’t let it discourage me from buying it. In fact it has influenced me, Thanks.
October 18, 2009 at 10:41 PMProtip: Don’t use “that” when referring to a person. It’s annoying and unprofessional (like the game “journalism” industry in general, oh snap) and makes you look like a clown _who_ doesn’t know elementary English.
Sample sentence: Borderlands is a must have for any gamer _who_ loves first person shooters and RPGs.
Borderlands Prospect
October 18, 2009 at 10:49 PMLike Borderlands Watcher said, I like finding out about the flaws in a game, and happy to find out that the “flaws” listed here weren’t too bad anyway (not looking for an epic RPG story or a realistic shooter, so I guess that’s perfect for me), as it seemed fairly honest. Good review, and keep it up.
October 18, 2009 at 11:47 PMIt’s amazing how many people have an opinion of what is and what is not. This review is like a 5 minute conversation you might have with a friend on politics. That friend in the 5 minute period will probably not convince you to support his/her opinion, but you might find his views interesting. Review is just long enough to make me long for more detail in the review so I can make a better informed decision.
Jon Christopher
October 18, 2009 at 11:53 PM@donthatetheplayer
thanks for the pro-tip!
October 19, 2009 at 2:34 AMFirst off let me say something, and don’t quote me on it but I heard that Fallout 3, Borderlands and Rage were all started at the same time, so how could they draw from a game that wasn’t even created yet?
This review gives some decent information yes, but try and do some more research before you blindly throw things into your reviews.
Josh Garibay
October 19, 2009 at 2:58 AMI think it’s pretty funny how everyone is so quick to criticize an honest review. You told them what you believed were the strengths and downfalls of the game in your eyes. That doesn’t mean that everyone will agree with you, but it’s just there to better inform people. Especially people are on the fence about purchasing the game. Honestly, to all you people who completely bashed this review go start your own website and write up a review. Let’s see how many people agree with your point of view.
Also, the game is not even out yet so stop acting like it is going to be flawless. I’m hyped for the game too, but I do not expect perfection. You have no idea if it is really a 5/5. So why don’t you grow up and show some respect for the time and honesty this writer put into the review alright?
October 19, 2009 at 8:08 AMAn RPG mustn’t just have a decent story, it must have a great story. It’s what gives the game depth and the world spice, it’s what pulls the player in and gives motivations to his actions, its the golden thread that runs through the game.
The pickups are awesome and will drive sales on the game, but why at the expense of the story? The great RPG’s of our time are known for their stories too. And don’t make that tired “Action-RPG, multi-focussed” excuse. Diablo 1 & 2 are great action RPG’sm, with strong multiplayer components, and yet infused with a great background story. Someone earlier mentioned that WOW doesn’t have a story – wrong: the quests are well written and the world has an epic story.
Then again, I guess not everyone can pull off a Blizzard.
October 19, 2009 at 8:16 AMAnd another thing: I agree with Jon that it’d be a con if it takes a lot of shots to kill an enemy. And guys, that nonsense about challenge can be stuffed sideways – the challenge in a game shouldn’t be only about whittling down an enemy’s healthbar by pouring bullet after bullet into it. And besides, it’d make the weapons feel grossly underpowered – I mean c’mon, 10 billion/trillion/gazillion guns and not one can kill someone quickly? In a game focussed around weapon loot, doesn’t their perceived ineffect derail the point just a wee lil’ bit?
And no, I’m not saying that weapons should insta-gib an enemy – I just want to feel and see that this uber gun I hold in my hands, with its uber mods, is an effective death-dealing, murder-bringing, life-ending weapon of final destruction.
October 19, 2009 at 8:50 AMNice review but a bit brief. What about the loot?How is it divided?Is it fair?Does it increase the fun factor?
Jon Christopher
October 19, 2009 at 12:22 PM@tridenthawk
Loots are mostly ammos, shield, or weapon that you can sell on the vending machines that you can find across the wasteleands. Don’t worry about running out of ammos because there is a lot that you can find.
October 19, 2009 at 5:53 PMGood review! May rent this one before I buy, but looks like a great game overall.
November 8, 2009 at 11:16 AMI enjoyed the review, but I think Borderlands should be a realistic shooter. In fact, it is much better to have strong enemies rather many and weak. However, there are some things that I would change in the game. So I would:
*Improve story and make it exciting
*Focus on compeditive MP modes
*Add more customization
*Add some gameplay variety and armor
This game has a different replay value for different people. Some people after reaching 50 lvl will quit the game, some will enjoy the game with friends. As for me, the game lacks of compeditive Multiplayer…
November 14, 2009 at 6:39 PMBorderLands is a great game that any one can love it should have deserved a 10/10. I just finished beating it.
Jordan Breslin
January 4, 2010 at 4:02 PMBorderlands is an never very in-depth game because it is totally based on muitlplayer not else. Sure it has it single-player campaign but it is nothing compared to feeling you get when you play fallout3 or TES:Oblivion. All this is not to say it not a fun game. It has it moments like when playing with a friend or picking up the controller and playing, but if your a fan of hard core shooters or RPG’s this is not the game for you!the reason i say it not for hardcore shooter fans is because there is not tactical feeling about it like when playing modern warfare 2 and you are camping and slowing progressing and picking off people from a distance.It not for an RPG fan because the progression within the game is poor and there is also very little customization. Overall if you want a game just to pick up and play this is it.
mr me
January 20, 2010 at 6:22 AMfirst of all, no offence…In MY OPINION, What makes a game good is the “STORY”, without “it” any games with terrific gameplay will also falls into the oblivion and got forgotten very easily as the time goes… Personally i played this game, the gameplay is quite addicting at first i admit.. But, once u played the game for quite a long time, its boring..
The FPS gameplay they offered, when u compare it with other game like COD MW2 OMFG.. its a big difference you know.. i rather play COD MW2 than Borderlands….
And about the story! It sucks BAD!! Nothings good about it….
Even Fallout 3 a free open world rpg offers a good and better story than borderlands.
= A game without a STORY is a waste of time……
– Many Different weapons, but they just looked the same…
– the skills are not fun
– Less Character customization
– Boring graphics
= Unique rpg system? ( i don’t think so )
= good FPS experience? ( Hell no )
Compare these games with borderlands
STORY : MGS Series, FF series and many other games
SKILL ? Even a free MMOrpg got better skill tree and animation than Borderlands
Visual : Crysis, Batman Arkham Asylum, else